بعد تنظيف البشرة، ضعي كمية كافية من سيروم النياسيناميد 10% + الزنك 1% على وجهك وقومي بتدليكه بلطف. انتظري حتى يتم امتصاصه بالكامل. يمكن استخدامه مرتين في اليوم. من الآمن تطبيقه على البشرة النظيفة مع الكريمات والسيرومات الأخرى.
Anti-acne pore firming facial serum containing Niacinamide; It protects the skin from environmental factors and also helps the skin’s production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Niacinamide is a great ingredient on its own, but paired with zinc it becomes a serious power couple. Thus, Niacinamide serum is ideal for balancing excessively oily and acne-prone skin.
After cleansing your skin, apply a sufficient amount of Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% serum to your face by massaging it. Wait until it is absorbed by the skin. It can be used twice a day. It is safe to apply to clean skin with other creams and serums.